81% Latin America (57% Mexico)
9% Asia
6% Europe
4% The rest of the world
The idea that the problem must be tackled only from the domestic front just perpetuates it to the benefit of the centers of power, which are very motivated to leave things as they are. It's just a case of “cant have it both ways”; if domination of weaker countries for the benefit of business is the preferred goal, immigration problems are inevitable. Both go hand in hand.
The proposition that Mexico has to “clean house” is a valid one but it won't happen until the US policy towards it is reversed. No progressive government has been allowed across the border so no progress has been achieved.
Business is the primary reason the pressure against our border is of such magnitude, smuggling of people and infiltration of criminality just comes along for the ride.
The proposition that Mexico has to “clean house” is a valid one but it won't happen until the US policy towards it is reversed. No progressive government has been allowed across the border so no progress has been achieved.
Business is the primary reason the pressure against our border is of such magnitude, smuggling of people and infiltration of criminality just comes along for the ride.
ts of the US foreign policy related to the immigration issue, it's only a surface look to some of the progressive governments and movements crushed in the context of our foreign policy, this are only relatively recent actions that are the top of a long history of criminal intervention.
Intervention: Overthrow Government Jacobo Arbenz
Prompted by: negative impact on the interests of The United Fruit Company, risk of a successful example of an alternative to capitalism
Intervention: Overthrow Government Joao Goulart
Prompted by: negative impact on the interests of ITT, adoption of an independent stand in foreign policy.
-Dominican Republic:
Intervention: Overthrow Government Juan Bosch
Prompted by: Regulation of foreign investment to control excessively exploitation of the countries resources. Policy restricting the persecution of Communists or those labeled that way unless they violated the law.
Intervention: Overthrown Government Salvador Allende
Prompted by: negative impact on the interests of Anaconda, Kennecott and ITT, risk of a successful example of an alternative to capitalism
Intervention: Overthrow Government Sandinista Council
Prompted by: Forced fall of the Somoza Dynasty, risk of a successful example of an alternative to capitalism
-El Salvador:
Intervention: 6 billion dollars to avoid the fall of the immensely unpopular pro-elite government, risk of a successful example of an alternative to capitalism.
Also known as “The Laboratory for Globalization” is the most successful of all covert interventions, after decades of keeping the "correct" party in power, Mexico has permanently been locked into pro US corporation policies by treaty ,NAFTA.
Right in time considering that the last presidential election almost ended with the Washington Men out of power and uncertainty of what will happen next time.
If a real solution for the problem is what we want this is how it should look:
1.- Let's get the CIA out of Latin America and allow the countries there to develop higher standards of living while the American corporations compete in a level field to lessen the immigration pressure .
2.- Penalize heavily the US industries that hire illegal immigrants to discourage the sucking in effect they produce.
3.- Maintain close ties with Mexico to to detect and control changes in the immigration pressure against the border in order to pinpoint the origin and use the OAS to find a remedy to the specific region.
We as citizens by not discussing (or in some cases denying) the root of the problem perpetuate the status quo and keep it's resolution at arms length and unreachable. As long as we keep the blindfold in it's place it will be “business as usual”
1.- Let's get the CIA out of Latin America and allow the countries there to develop higher standards of living while the American corporations compete in a level field to lessen the immigration pressure .
2.- Penalize heavily the US industries that hire illegal immigrants to discourage the sucking in effect they produce.
3.- Maintain close ties with Mexico to to detect and control changes in the immigration pressure against the border in order to pinpoint the origin and use the OAS to find a remedy to the specific region.
We as citizens by not discussing (or in some cases denying) the root of the problem perpetuate the status quo and keep it's resolution at arms length and unreachable. As long as we keep the blindfold in it's place it will be “business as usual”
Freedom Outlet @ ZNet: Immigration and Empire
Freedom Outlet @ Facebook: Immigration and Empire